


18.02.2025 to 21.02.2025WRMTP Training course "Total Station Surveying for Informed Decision Making in Land and Water Management" 18-21 February 2025 at CWRDM Kozhikode- Orders IssuedDownload
03.02.2025 to 05.02.2025WRMTP - Training course 'Design of Micro-Irrigation system and Advanced lrrigation Techniques, 03-05 February 2025Download
20.01.2025Induction Program for Assistant Engineers at IMG TVMDownload
13.01.2025Training to Junior superintendents and Head Clerks at IMG TVMDownload
06.01.2025Malayalam Computing Training at IMG TVMDownload
27.11.2023WRMTP-Training Course "Integrated Watershed Management-Monitoring and Evaluation"Download
08.11.2023Government of India sponsored Training "Skill Enhancement Programme on e-Governance"Download
08.11.2023Training on PRICE-3.0 at IMG ThiruvananthapuramDownload
10.07.2023Capacity Development Programme for Draftsman - July 31st to 05th August 2023Download
10.07.2023Supervisory Development Programme for Overseers from 10th to 15th July 2023Download
25.05.2023Management Development programme for Assistant Engineers from 05th to 09th June 2023Download
13.02.2023Training course “Environmental Impact Assessment” -13-15 February 2023Download
30.07.2022Capacity building programme for the Head Clerks & Junior Superintends of Irrigation Department Download
02.07.2022Induction training for newly recruited Overseers of Irrigation Department from 18-07-2022 to 23-07-2022Download
27.06.2022Training for Improving Administrative effectiveness to the Clerks of Irrigation Department conducted by IMG, Thiruvananthapuram from 4th to 8th July 2022 Download
20.06.2022Induction training for newly recruited Overseers of Irrigation DepartmentDownload
15.06.2022Training on Malayalam computing for Typists/ClerksDownload
17.05.2022Training on Micro Irrigation Design and DPR preparationDownload
17.01.2022Hydraulic Gates and Hoists – Design, Erection, Operation & MaintenanceDownload
06.01.2021CWRDM - Application of DSS in Irrigated AgricultureDownload
06.01.2021CWRDM - Water resources management under changing climateDownload
06.01.2021CWRDM - introduction to disaster management with emphasis to water related disasters Download
31.12.2021Eco System based DRRDownload
31.12.2021Wetland Conservation and ManagementDownload
31.12.2021Induction training for newly recruited Overseers/DraftsmanDownload
24.12.2021Induction Training for newly recruited Clerks of Irrigation Department conducted by IMG, Thiruvananthapuram from 03rd -07th January 2022Download
20.12.2021Online Training of Quality Assurance and Quality Control of Irrigation worksDownload
14.12.2021MIKE training at CWRDM 20 to 24.12.2021Download
13.12.2021WRMTP – Training course ‘Ground water Development, Conservation & Management’ during 20 to 24 December 2021Download
13.12.2021One day National Colloquium on "Concrete Construction for Coastal Conditions" on 17.12.2021Download
13.12.2021Training on Malayalam Computing for Typists/Clerks at IMG, Thiruvananthapuram from 20.12.2021(3days - Offline)Download
24.11.2021Online Training on Quality Assurance & Quality Control of Irrigation WorksDownload
18.11.2021Training on Malayalam Computing for Typists/Clerks at IMG, Kozhikkodu from 18-ll-2021(3days - Offline)Download
16.11.2021Training on Malayalam Computing for TypistslClerks at IMG, Thiruvananthapuram from 16-ll-2021(3days - Offline)Download
15.11.2021Training on Quality Assurance & Quality Control of Irrigation WorksDownload
13.10.2021Online training to Promoted AEsDownload
04.10.2021Improvement of administrative effectiveness - Online Training for ClerksDownload
28.09.2021WRMTP- Training on Environmental Impact Assessment during 28-30Sep21Download
09.09.2021Online Training for Promoted Assistant EngineersDownload
03.09.2021On line Induction training for newly recruited Overseers/DraftsmanDownload
17.08.2021Online Induction Training for Newly Appointed Assistant EngineersDownload | Schedule
24.12.2020Training on Micro Irrigation SystemDownload
07.07.2021Project Management using MS-Projects and Primavera softwareDownload