About The Wing
The Irrigation Design and Research Board (IDRB) is the Central Design and Research Organization of Irrigation Department, Government of Kerala. The Design, Research, Quality Control, Coastal Erosion studies, Inter State Water Sharing, Field Studies Circle and Investigation wing of the Department are under the control of the Chief Engineer (Investigation and Design) with headquarters at Thiruvananthapuram. IDRB was formed in August 1986 vide G.O.(MS).No.24/86/Irrgn dated 14-08-1986 and subsequently started functioning under the Chief Engineer IDRB vide G.O. (MS) No. 7/1987/Irrgn.dated 24/03/1987.
IDRB is headed by the Chief Engineer, Investigation and Design (IDRB) with Headquarters at Vikas Bhavan, Thiruvananthapuram. IDRB deals with the Design of Irrigation structures such as dams, appurtenances, canals, cross drainage works as well as Investigation and preparation of DPR of the major and medium irrigation projects and and Inter-State Water sharing issues. Apart from this works related to dam safety, the collection and assimilation of hydrological data imparting technical training to staff are also dealt with. Revised Water Resources of Kerala on the GIS platform is on the verge of publication. Kerala Engineering Research Institute (KERI) Peechi is a subunit of IDRB engaged in Research activities and quality control. Field Studies Circle (FSC) Thrissur is another subunit engaged in the hydrological and meteorological collection of data and coastal zone management. The organization is on the endeavour to modernize its activities, keeping pace with latest developments in the field of Information Technology introducing e-office, online dams monitoring, online submission of design indents, online design drawings, the online platform for water mission, technical discussion by blog etc.