
The BanasuraSagar Irrigation Project is proposed in the Karamanthodu basin which is a tributary of Panamaramriver which in turn is a tributary of Kabaniriver which ultimately joins with the Cauvery River.  The Karamanthodu originates mainly from two hills viz.  Kakkanmalai and Modgiri in the Western Ghats.

Canal Network  (as per revised proposal)

The main canal is 2.730 Km. long. Two  branch canals vizPadinjarathara branch canal of length 2.690 Km and Venniyode branch canal of length  5.390 km off takes from a collection chamber located at the tail end of the Main  Canal ie . atCh  : 2.730 Km of  main canal. 6 Nos. of distributaries are also proposed.  Two distributaries, Kappukunnudistributary 3485 m long having an ayacut of 70 ha. AndPeraldistributory 2690 m long with 90 ha. Of ayacut, which are off take directly from the Main Canal are included.   The balance 4 distributaries are,

Veettikkamooladistributary 1420 m long  having an ayacut of 30 ha.

Kurumbala east distributary 1680 m long  having an ayacut of 100 ha.

Venniyoddistributary 3000 m long  having an ayacut of 270 ha.

Kuppaditharadistributory 2960 m long  having an ayacut of 280 ha.

Total ayacut as per revised proposal is only840 ha.